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4.0 ( 8480 ratings )
Shopping Économie et entreprise
Développeur Aziz Aganiyazow

Bazar – birnäçe ýyl bäri maşgalanyň ähli agzalary üçin aýakgaplary, parfýumeriýa we kosmetika serişdelerini, hojalyk tehnikalary, zenan egin-eşik we matalaryny, awtomobil harytlary satylýan iň uly internet-dükany!

Size ýokary derejede hyzmat edip, Sizi her gün şatlandyrmak üçin biz ýyl-ýyldan kämilleşdirýäris!
Bizi bäsdeşlerimizden tapawutlandyrýan aýratynlyklarymyz:
- ýokarda agzalyp geçilen harytlary nagt töleg görnüşi bilen bilelikde 3 aýdan 36 aýa çenli (haryda laýyklykda) öňünden tölegsiz garaşaryna bermek hyzmatyny hödürleýäris!
- Sargytlaryňyzy gapyňyza çenli mugt eltip berýäris.
- Harytlaryn hiline doly kepil geçýäris. Ýagny, harytlaryň diňe resmi dilleri ýa-da öndürijisi bilen hyzmatdaşlyk edýäris.
- Harytlary iň elýeterli bahalardan Size hödürleýäris.
- Platformada türkmençe we rusça dil goldawyny doly üpjün edýäris.

Biz bilen issalyşýan dukanlar:
- Maraton shoes;
- Rivera shoes;
- Runstreet shoes;
- Distance shoes;
- AYYD tehnika dukany;
- 4nal awtomobil harytlary dukany;

Bazar - has been the largest online store for all family members selling shoes, perfumes and cosmetics, household appliances, womens clothing and fabrics for many years!

We improve from year to year to serve you at a high level and delight you every day!
Features that set us apart from our competitors:
- we offer a service of prepaid delivery of the above goods for a period of 3 to 36 months (depending on the goods) along with a form of payment!
- We deliver your orders to your door for free.
- We fully guarantee the quality of the goods. That is, we cooperate only with the official language or the manufacturer of the product.
- We offer you goods at the most affordable prices.
- We fully provide support for the Turkmen and Russian languages ​​on the platform.

Stores that cooperate with us:
- Maraton shoes;
- Rivera shoes;
- Runstreet shoes;
- Distance shoes;
- 4nal awtomobil harytlary dukany;
- AYYD electronics store;
- 4nal car shop;